“T-Shirt Design Competition”

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    T-Shirt Design Competition


    Starting with an optional introductory course (Sunday, 9 August, 2 – 3:30 pm), attendees learn the basics of designing graphics for printing on a t-shirt. From there, they move to the ⌘/CTRL+P Area to print out t-shirt designs for free on the Epson SureColor® F2000. To enter the Studio’s t-shirt competition, all artwork must be created in the Studio between Sunday and Thursday. T-shirts must be printed on the F2000 in advance of judging. Do not use copyrighted imagery that does not belong to you. You keep the t-shirt you enter in the competition. On Thursday, 13 August at 11 am, designers who are present with their shirts for the live judging session are eligible to win.

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