“Midair Touch Display” by Hasegawa, Monnai, Inoue, Furuyama, Makino, et al. …

  • ©Keisuke Hasegawa, Yasuaki Monnai, Seki Inoue, Yoshikazu Furuyama, Yasutoshi Makino, and Hiroyuki Shinoda



Entry Number: 18


    Midair Touch Display



    We demonstrate a system which enables users with bare hands and naked eyes to tactually interact with midair three-dimensional objects. The displayed midair images are three-dimensional and can be seen and touched from multiple angles. By creating neatly controlled and designed ultrasound fields, our system can create rich tactile textures added onto them with no devices to be worn by the users, all of which are programmable.


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    HASEGAWA, K., AND SHINODA, H., 2013, Aerial display of vibrotactile sensation with high spatial-temporal resolution using large-aperture airborne ultrasound phased array, In World Haptics Conference, IEEE.

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    ASUKANET, 2011. Aerial imaging. http://aerialimaging.tv.


    This work was partly supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 25240032.


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