“Inter-glow” by Narumi, Hiyama, Tanikawa and Hirose

  • ©Takuji Narumi, Atsushi Hiyama, Tomohiro Tanikawa, and Michitaka Hirose

  • ©Takuji Narumi, Atsushi Hiyama, Tomohiro Tanikawa, and Michitaka Hirose



Entry Number: 15






    Inter-glow is a system that facilitates close interaction and communication among users in real space by using multiplexed visible-light communication technology. By shining light on an object containing an embedded photo sensor, users can get information about the object. In addition, several users can communicate with each other intimately by shining light on the object at the same time.

    We built a prototype to demonstrate the technology. In our prototype, when users point their lamps at the table in a miniature living room, the system can recognize which lamps are illuminating the table. According to the combination of illuminating lamps, the system produces the family conversations.

Other Information:


    Maki Sugimoto, Minoru Kojima, Akihiro Nakamura, Georges Kagotani, Hideaki Nii, Masahiko Inami: Augmented Coliseum: Display-Based Computing for Augmented Reality Inspiration Computing Robot, SIGGRAPH 2005 Full Conference DVD-ROM Disk1 Emerging Technologies, 2005

    Visible Light Communication Consortium, http://www.vlcc.net/

    Y.Tanaka, S. Haruyama and M. Nakagawa: Wireless optical transmission with the white colored LED for the wireless home links, Proc. 11th Int. Symp. on PIMRC, pp.1325 – 1329, 2000.

    T.Komine, Y.Tanaka, S. Haruyama and M. Nakagawa: Basic study on visible-light communication using light emitting diode illumination, Proc. 8th Int. Symp. on ISMOT, pp.45 – 48, 2001.

    Pingali, G., Pinhanez, C., Levas, A., Kjeldsen, R., Podlaseck, M., Chen, H. and Sukaviriya, N.: Steerable Interfaces for Pervasive Computing Spaces, First IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom’03), pp. 315–322 (2003).

    Shklovski, I., Chang, M. (2006).: Urban computing: Navigating space and context., IEEE Computer Sept 2006, V. 39(9) p. 36-37
