“Fast Interactive Web-Based Visualization of Giga-Pixel and Giga-Voxel Biomedical Datasets” by Mansoori, Garny, Gavaghan, Grau and Kohl

  • ©Tahir Mansoori, Alan Garny, David Gavaghan, Vicente Grau, and Peter Kohl




    Fast Interactive Web-Based Visualization of Giga-Pixel and Giga-Voxel Biomedical Datasets



    Advances in biomedical imaging technologies allow acquisition of increasingly high-resolution datasets that represent 2D or 3D structures (either as serial 2D slices or true 3D acquisitions). With the addition of temporal (+T) information (2D+T; 3D+T), these structures convey crucial insight into biomedical functions, but remote interactive exploration of these datasets for visualization, annotation, and analysis remains a challenge. This talk presents a web-based visualization system for interactive exploration of giga-pixel and giga-voxel datasets. The system has been tested on a ~1.6-TB cardiac dataset of in vitro and in vivo MRI and histological slices covering the full volume and accessed from various devices, including desktop systems, multi-touch surfaces, cell phones, and high-resolution display walls.

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