“Ecce Homology” by West, Kerfeld, Holton, Lamont, Burke, et al. …

  • ©Ruth G. West, Cheryl Kerfeld, Thomas Holton, Steve Lamont, Jeff Burke, John-Peter Lewis, Loren McQuade, Ethan Drucker, Eitan Mendelowitz, Weihong Yan, and David Lee

  • ©Ruth G. West, Cheryl Kerfeld, Thomas Holton, Steve Lamont, Jeff Burke, John-Peter Lewis, Loren McQuade, Ethan Drucker, Eitan Mendelowitz, Weihong Yan, and David Lee


    Ecce Homology, a physically interactive new-media work, visualizes genetic data as calligraphic forms. A novel computervision based user interface allows multiple participants, through their movement in the installation space, to select genes from the human genome for visualizing the Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST), a primary algorithm in comparative genomics. (http://www.insilicov1.org)

Other Information:


    Altschul, S. F., et al. 1990. Basic Local Alignment Search Tool, Journal of Molecular Biology 215, 403-410.

    Altschul, S. F., et al. 1997. Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs. Nucleic Acids Research 25(17):3389-3402.

    Burke, Jeff, Eitan Mendelowitz, Joseph Kim, and Rex Lorenzo. 2002.

    Networking with Knobs and Knats: Towards Ubiquitous Computing for Artists. In Ubiquitous Computing 2002, Concepts and Models Workshop, Gothenburg, Sweden, September 29 – October 2, 2002.

    Matten, W. PhD, (NCBI) National Center for Biotechnology Information, User Services, Personal communication, March 2003.


    Ecce Homology is sponsored by: Intel Corporation, NEC Solutions America, Inc., Visual Systems Division, UCLA Technology Sandbox, UCLA Academic Technology Services, Computer Graphics and Immersive Technology Laboratory, USC Integrated Media Systems Center, UCSD Center for Research in Computing and the Arts, UCLA HyperMedia Studio, UCSD Sixth College: Culture, Art and Technology, National Center for Microscopy and Imaging Research, University of California Institute for Research in the Arts.


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