“Ants in the Pants” by Sato, Sato, Sato, Fukushima, Okano, et al. …

  • ©Keiji Sato, Yoshimi Sato, Michi Sato, Shogo Fukushima, Yu Okano, Kanako Matsuo, Sayaka Ooshima, Yuichiro Kojima, Rika Matsue, Satsuki Nakata, Yuki Hashimoto, and Hiroyuki Kajimoto


    Nobody likes to imagine that insects are crawling over them. Many of us would become horrified to realize that a feeling ticklishness on the skin was caused by insects.

    However, many of us have had the experience of playing with ants when we were children. This might indicate that an apparently disagreeable sensation can sometimes changes to being a funny, thrilling, or even a pleasant experience. The aim of our work is to highlight this fact, and to create a new entertainment that we have, named “Ants in the Pants” (Figure 1). This is a system composed of a visual display with a touch senor and a wearable tactile display.

Other Information:


    Weinstein.S, “Intensive and extensive aspects of tactile sensitivity as a function of body part, sex and laterality”, in D. R. Kenshalo (Ed.), “The skin senses”, Springfield, Ill.: C. C. Thomas, Pub. pp.195-222, 1968.

Additional Images:

©Keiji Sato, Yoshimi Sato, Michi Sato, Shogo Fukushima, Yu Okano, Kanako Matsuo, Sayaka Ooshima, Yuichiro Kojima, Rika Matsue, Satsuki Nakata, Yuki Hashimoto, and Hiroyuki Kajimoto


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