“Anthropomorphization of a Space with Implemented Human-like Features” by Osawa, Ishii, Osumi, Ohmura and Imai

  • ©Hirotaka Osawa, Kentaro Ishii, Toshihiro Osumi, Ren Ohmura, and Michita Imai



Entry Number: 03


    Anthropomorphization of a Space with Implemented Human-like Features



    We propose an anthropomorphization method that uses attachable human-like features like eyes and arms. These features are attached to the target, making it into an anthropomorphic agent, and providing the target’s information to users intuitively. The anthropomorphized space can use gestures, pointing, emotion, and expression to initiate interaction.

    We implemented robotic human-like parts for anthropomorphization and designed authroing tool that authors communication contents for embodied home appliance. Users easily convert an object into embodied agent and create their own contents interactively to the agent by our method.

Other Information:


    ARToolKit. http://www.hitl.washington.edu/artoolkit/.

    Mori, M. 1970. The uncanny valley. Energy 7, 4, 33{35.

    Osawa, H., Ohmura, R., and Imai, M. 2009. Using at- tachable humanoid parts for realizing imaginary intention and body image. International Journal of Social Robotics 1, 1.

Additional Images:

©Hirotaka Osawa, Kentaro Ishii, Toshihiro Osumi, Ren Ohmura, and Michita Imai ©Hirotaka Osawa, Kentaro Ishii, Toshihiro Osumi, Ren Ohmura, and Michita Imai ©Hirotaka Osawa, Kentaro Ishii, Toshihiro Osumi, Ren Ohmura, and Michita Imai


    The first author was supported in part by the JSPS Research Fellowships for Young Scientists. This work was supported in part by Grant in Aid for the Global Center of Excellence Program for “Center for Education and Research of Symbiotic, Sage and Secure System Design from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport, and Technology in Japan.”


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