SIGGRAPH 2023: Time Capsules: Discovering the Undiscovered
- Yoon Chung Han
- San José State University
Art Show Overview:
Celebrating 50 years of art-tech experimentation, the SIGGRAPH 2023 Art Gallery theme “Time Capsules: Discovering the Undiscovered” consists of compelling digital and technologically mediated artworks that reflect the idea of time capsules
- Mohumagadi Moruti
- Danube University Krems
- Xin Xin
- The New School
- Processing Foundation'
- Weidi Zhang
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Arizona State University
- Memo Akten
- University of California San Diego
- Goldsmiths University of London
- Avital Meshi
- Independent Artist
- US Davis
- Sölen Kiratli
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Media Arts and Technology Program (MAT)
- Eunsu Kang
- University of Akron
- Carnegie Mellon University
- Esteban Garcia Bravo
- Purdue University
Additional Information:
Time capsules contain elements that allude to the past, present, and future. They preserve a collection of everyday artifacts, memories, data, information, and messages to the future. Now the world is quickly shifting with technology — composed of the metaverse, extended reality, crypto, artificial intelligence, and robotics. Art has emerged from the constant evolution of technology over time that examines our cultural and societal practices and provokes alternative viewpoints to facilitate the discussion about global issues. What are the art forms you want to create as time capsules for future generations?
In an era of global crisis, we need artistic, creative, and imaginative time capsules that can discover hidden stories, record the present, and speculate the unknown trajectories of our future. Art, as time capsules, can rethink the past and present of our cultural, societal, political, and environmental issues and envision equitable and resilient futures by pushing and challenging the boundaries of cutting-edge technology. By defamiliarizing the regular perception of time based on the concept of deep time, the new time capsules may stop the clock of climate change and propose potential solutions for global crises.
Celebrating 50 years of art-tech experimentation, the SIGGRAPH 2023 Art Gallery theme “Time Capsules: Discovering the Undiscovered” invites compelling digital and technologically mediated artworks that reflect the idea of time capsules. The submissions may include, but are not limited to, creative art projects that explore new hybrids of space, time, humans, and technology, create new approaches to discovering undiscovered stories through an artistic lens, reexamine the concept of time, foster a global discussion about societal or environmental questions, explore new ways of representing data, and design interventions between virtual and real worlds.
Exhibition Artworks:
Type: [InstallationInteractive & Monitor-Based]
An Empty Room
Artist(s): [Reas]
Type: [Installation]
Artist(s): [Li]
Cluster #069
Artist(s): [Klingemann, Hudson, and Thompson]
Type: [Augmented Reality/Virtual RealityInstallation]
Conservation of Shadows
Artist(s): [Ji and Wakefield]
Hinemosu 30
Artist(s): [Katsumoto]
Type: [Installation]
Hyborg Agency
Artist(s): [Sun, Lee, and Asadipour]
Type: [Installation]
Artist(s): [Zhang and Luo]
Type: [Installation]
Reinventing the Spindle
Artist(s): [Kurbak]
Retrospective of Female Digital Art Pioneers
Artist(s): [Allen, Giloth, Gerbarg, Bangert, Truckenbrod, Nessim, and Veeder]
Type: [Installation]
Returning the Gaze Installation
Artist(s): [Farahi]
RGB Peg Mirror
Artist(s): [Rozin]
Type: [Installation]
Talking With Neurons
Artist(s): [Kim, Kunasilan, Arguelles, Klebanov, Chow, Hu, Duenki, Nabeta, Ikeuchi, and Pennington]
The Reminiscence — The Monologues of Being Seen
Artist(s): [Lee, Baldwin, and Henderson]
Type: [Installation]
Time to Snow
Artist(s): [Kim, Baek, and Lee]