SIGGRAPH 1994: Art and Design Show


Art Show Administrator(s):

Art Show Overview:

Welcome to the SIGGRAPH 94
Art and Design Show. The SIGGRAPH 94 Art and Design Show continues the tradi­tion of showcasing a survey of the best recent works in art, design, and animation. The show is broad-based and media-inclusive. We considered entries in fine arts, design, interactive installations, art-based or multimedia essays, and animation. The 94 show includes site-specific works, shown outside of a gallery setting. We also produced an Art and Design Show video, “Persistence of Vision” with jurors’ comments to place the work in a context.

We see some themes in the works this year. Several of the pieces represent a search for cul­tural roots. Some reflect the experience of being a tourist. Several look at family and memo­ries. There were works that interspersed reality and fantasy elements. Some are obviously playful. There were a few with overt political statements. Many of the pieces considered the human form, and several were self-portraits. The animations included a number of collage pieces, and stories or story fragments.

As with all art, this show chal­lenges our perspectives, stretches the limits of the expected, embraces change, and considers the meaning of visual language, codes, and symbols. Unlike many art shows, this one comments on the present because all of these artists are working with “tools” that were invented during their lifetimes.

As specified in our call for participation, the primary criterion for acceptance was aesthetic. Each work was evaluated with “tradi­tional fine arts” considerations: use of compositional elements, color, line, form and tone. In addition, the jurors considered the aesthetic intention of each, judging the artworks on what we felt the artist was trying to achieve. We selected works that approached artistic design and creation in original ways. We looked for work that would chal­lenge our perspectives. We included art that was visually exciting or had a strong emotion­al content.

We asked for works that could not have been created without the wide variety of computer tools that artists use today. As computer-generated works, the art bears the mark of the media that assisted with its creation. Some works are graphic displays of mathematical concepts. In these, the computer has deter­mined a distinctive appearance, a syntax, that makes the work easi­ly recognizable as computer art. In other works, where the artist has used the tools for more tradi­tional artistic intention, these marks are less obvious. In many of the interactive works, the computer serves another func­tion. By redefining the relation­ship between the viewer and the art, the computer serves as a medium as well as a tool.

Within SIGGRAPH, the Art and Design Show is one of the few places where individual voices are expressed through technology. Much of computer graphics work is collaborative, and here is one opportunity to consider the state­ment of a single artist. Unlike most of the conference, this art is not intended to be in the ser­vice of commercialism. Instead it offers comment on the role of technology in society today.

Deanna Morse, Grand Valley State University


Exhibition Artworks: