James Edwards: Locations

  • ©2003, James Edwards
  • Golden Gate, 25.5 in x 20 in
  • ©2003, James Edwards
  • Rushmore, 25.5 in x 20 in





Creation Year:



    25.5 inches x 20 inches


Artist Statement:

    Where are we? Where have we been? Location shapes who we are, how we think, and what we do. This knowledge forms a collective memory of “place.” All of us have a history of places: memories of a childhood home or neighborhood, the schools we attended, summer vacations, where we live and work. Some places are personal. Some are public. Through my work, some are shared. This is the starting point of the two series of digital prints: Drawing Lessons and Locations. I combine architectural and/or geographic imagery, scanned objects, and drawings referencing specific locations. I do not intend to suggest cause-and-effect relationships between these elements, or a clichéd reminiscence, but rather to create a layered spatial matrix, a controlled displacement of space, that presents places of personal or public significance and the possibility of their relationship to creative behavior.

    Creating the Locations series required the use of both PC and Macintosh operating systems. Geographic data were located on the Internet and downloaded. ArcView, a software program for translating statistical data into visual form, was used to build terrain models of landscapes. These were exported into Photoshop, combined with scanned objects and small drawings, and manipulated further. The finished artworks form limited editions of archival prints that represent a synthesis of science and art.

All Works by the Artist(s) in This Archive: