Frank Smullin: Labayrinth of Data List

  • ©1981, Frank Smullin

  • ©1981, Frank Smullin



    Labayrinth of Data List


Creation Year:



    Sculpture (working drawings), Corten steel cylinder


    111 x 135 x 120 in.


Artist Statement:

    The sculptures were designed and fabricated with an interactive computer technique that I have developed over the past 8 years. The model for the cylindrical network is a mathematical one consisting of orthograph gonal coordinates of the intersections of cylinder axes, a list of connections between these vertices, and the diameter of the cylinders. Analysis, graphic inspection and modification of the model is accomplished by invoking a variety of vector operations encoded in my program, SCULPT. At present the programs are in PLI, accessed under TSO. The graphics have been plotted on CALCOMP and on a TEKTRONIX 4052 using PLOT-10 Terminal Control System. The actual sculpture is fabricated using mitering data and templated drawn either on the plotter, by an analog device that I invented or by standard projective geometry graphics.

Technical Information:

    Hardware: Calcomp 1051 plotter, Amdahl 470-V8, Tektronix 4052
    Software: Frank Smullin, Perspect

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