Daniel Hower: Sea of Fish 3, Summer 2002

  • ©2003, Daniel Hower



    Sea of Fish 3, Summer 2002


Creation Year:



    39 in x 53 in


Artist Statement:

    For the last 20-plus years, pouring my mind onto paper has been a daily necessity. Self expression is my never-ending passion and a means of therapy. Life is solitary and intense, and thus my art provides me escape, release, comprehension, and strength. It is a safehouse where I can express thoughts, emotions, fantasies, and reactions to life experiences without limitation, and thus harness the intensity within me.

    My creativity is a tap that cannot be turned off. It’s a gushing, angry, roaring river of ideas and energy. Endless shapes, textures, and constructs that I assemble into surreal, fantastic, weird, and abstract realms. My work defines me and brings order to my world.

    In summary, my work is a reaction to my life experiences and to the world around me. Monsters and cartoon characters are my primary work, which are influence! by industrial and urban subject matter, pop culture, conflict, and science fiction More recently, my work consists of electronic collages that allow me to explore visual qualities of more traditional media such as paint, pastel, and photography. The collages begin with small areas of my hand drawings scaled up very large and overlaid with textures, color, and photographic elements. In 2002, I evolved these collages even further and built them solely upon photography of man-made objects and structures.

    Digital art has been my medium of choice since 1993, but my work always begins with my drawings.

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