“VH1 Demo” by Miller

  • ©Scott Miller  Scott Miller Associates


SIGGRAPH Video Review:




    VH1 Demo


Company / Institution / Agency:

  • Scott Miller Associates


    The challenge of this project was that the budget was wholly inadequate for the creative opportunity at hand. As MTV Network’s “other music” channel, VH1 had since its beginning taken a creative backseat. With improvement in the cable television market, MTVN determined VH1 must have a new and unique visual identity and ordered 40 animated graphics. The limited budget required us to use a wide variety of equipment. This caused a number of problems concerning consistency for the look and style we intended to create. To provide balance between our various 2-D and 3-D designs we sharply restricted application of high-end 3-D techniques, avoiding reliance on dazzling effects to carry our ideas. We used five different facilities to provide the work, each with a unique combination of graphics equipment: everything from 3-D to 2-D to analog video. As the principal designer and art director, it was my job to maintain consistency from each facility, though the natural tendency was for that house’s equipment to inject its own influence. In the end, the practical limitations led to a unique solution.

Animation / Video Overview:
