“Oh Atsimenu Nameli” by Wilson

  • ©Leslie Wilson


SIGGRAPH Video Review:




    Oh Atsimenu Nameli



    Lithuanian is a nearly forgotten language. I wanted to make a computer video full of special effects and thought as low and gentle lullaby would be a nice pace to work with. So I called my friend Nijole and she dug up Oh Atsimenu Nameli. (Oh I Remember the House I was Born In). Her acapella group “The Blenders” (Nijole, Sigute, and Janice) performed the song for me one day in my warehouse studio. Time Arts kindly loaned me animation and graphics software to enhance a Lumena 8 system I found at Chico State University. I should have gathered more equipment (genlock, a frame-grabber, switcher), but was too eager and too short of funds. Over 150 images were digitized by filming from a video monitor with the player on pause. I rerendered each, treating some as stills and others as frames in animation sequences. Soon after I began creating the computer effects, the warehouse in Los Angeles where I had lived and worked on so many projects was torn down. Whenever I feel a little lost or disoriented creatively, I think of that lofty studio and the fun we had shooting Oh Atsimenu Nameli.

Animation / Video Overview:
