“Simplified facial capture with head mounted cameras” by Serra, Moser, Mclean and Roble

  • ©Jose Serra, Lucio Moser, David Mclean, and Douglas (Doug) Roble

  • ©Jose Serra, Lucio Moser, David Mclean, and Douglas (Doug) Roble

  • ©Jose Serra, Lucio Moser, David Mclean, and Douglas (Doug) Roble

  • ©Jose Serra, Lucio Moser, David Mclean, and Douglas (Doug) Roble

  • ©Jose Serra, Lucio Moser, David Mclean, and Douglas (Doug) Roble

  • ©Jose Serra, Lucio Moser, David Mclean, and Douglas (Doug) Roble

  • ©Jose Serra, Lucio Moser, David Mclean, and Douglas (Doug) Roble

  • ©Jose Serra, Lucio Moser, David Mclean, and Douglas (Doug) Roble

  • ©Jose Serra, Lucio Moser, David Mclean, and Douglas (Doug) Roble



Entry Number: 11


    Simplified facial capture with head mounted cameras



    We present a unified pipeline for high-resolution facial capture that replaces the initial traditional seated capture with a head-mounted camera setup. At its core, our approach relies on improving roughly personalized blendshapes by fitting handle vertices, in a Laplacian framework, to depth and image data. Thus, refining the geometry. This pipeline has been used in production to generate high quality animation to train our proprietary market-based solution, leading to large time and cost savings.


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