Philippe Leprince

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Unity Technologies

Other / Past Affiliation(s):

  • Pixar Animation Studios


  • SIGGRAPH 2016

    Philippe Leprince is a Senior RenderMan Field Engineer at Pixar Animation Studios. He started his career at the end of 80’s in France where he worked for Deus, Ex-Machina, Duboi, and Mikros Image, among others. Frustrated by the tools of the day, he learned by himself how to develop his own 3D and 2D tools. In 2003, he joined Framestore to work on Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban as a R&D TD in charge of motion-control and later shader writing. In 2007, he was hired by Double Negative where he received a VES Award for The Dark Knight in 2008. Shortly after Inception, he became Head of Lighting and Rendering and transitioned Double Negative to physically based rendering. Philippe joined Pixar in 2014.


Learning Category: Presentation(s):


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