“The Art of Proposal Writing” by Cunningham, McGrath and Rosenblum

  • ©Stephen Cunningham, Michael McGrath, and Lawrence J. Rosenblum



Entry Number: 30


    The Art of Proposal Writing

Course Organizer(s):



    This class covers general proposal writing for academic projects in two broad categories: research and education. It reviews the project concept, the search for an appropriate funding program, and development of a proposal based on a program announcement. Attendees develop a solid understanding of the structure of a competitive proposal, learn the different ways a proposal may be reviewed, and discuss the essential factors that determine whether or not a project gets funded. The presenters all have a significant history with the US National Science foundation. Cunningham and McGrath are former program officers (DUE and CISE, respectively), and Rosenblum is currently a program officer with CISE whose portfolio includes computer graphics research funding. The course will thus unavoidably have a slant towards NSF programs, but will include general concepts and other funding agencies as well. These notes were frozen well before the conference and some of the presenters’ slides were not ready at that time. It is likely that there will be additions and expansions before the actual conference presentation. An updated copy of these notes will be available after the SIGGRAPH 08 conference at http://www.cs.csustan.edu/~rsc/S08-proposal-course.pdf   

Overview Page: