“Gears of War™” by Epic Games, Inc.

  • ©Jerry O’Flaherty  Epic Games, Inc.



    Gears of War™


Company / Institution / Agency:

  • Epic Games, Inc.


    “Gears of War,” a third-person tactical action/horror game, was developed by Epic Games exclusively for Microsoft Game Stu-dios and the Xbox 360 videogame system. As Marcus Fenix, you fight a war against the immense Locust Horde, which not only outpowers but outnumbers you, your squad, and the entire force of the Coalition of Ordered Governments. “Gears of War” is the only game that blends a deep and disturbing story of human survival with an endless mass of nightmar-ish creatures, a next-generation tactical combat system, and unsurpassed visuals and special effects. The story unfolds as a ragtag group of soldiers uses every last ounce of strength to survive the onslaught from the forces of evil, which begins on the historic Emergence Day.


    Unreal Engine 3



Additional Contributors:

    Director: Jerry O’Flaherty

    Cinematographer/Editor: Greg Mitchell

    Lead Designer: Cliff Blezinski

    Producer: Rod Fergusson

    Lead Artist: Chris Perna

    Mike Buck, Wyeth Johnson, Josh Jay, Bill Green, Aaron Herzog, Mike Larson, Matt Hancy, Jay Hosfelt, Kevin Riepl, Jay Hawkins, Scott Dossett, Jamey Scott, Pete Hayes, Shane Caudle

    Kevin Lanning, Maury Mountain, Technicolor Interactive, Red Fly Studios

Animation / Video Overview:
