Issue 62: Supercomputing ’90 Featuring Pieces from SIGGRAPH ’90

  • ©62, Supercomputing '90 Featuring Pieces from SIGGRAPH '90

SVR Issue No:  62

SVR Issue Title:  Supercomputing '90 Featuring Pieces from SIGGRAPH '90

Conference:  SIGGRAPH 1990

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SVR Issue Information

  • Issue 62 Supercomputing ’90 Featuring Pieces from SIGGRAPH ’90
    1. Smog: Visualizing the Components – Walker, NCSA
    2. More Bells and Whistles – Lytle, Cornell National Supercomputer Facility
    3. Artificial Reality at UNC-Chapel Hill – Robinett, UNC-Chapel Hill
    4. A Sequence from the Evolution of Form – Latham, IBM UK Scientific Centre
    5. Mathematics! Similarity and The Story of pie – Corrigan, CalTech
    6. A Volume of 2-D Julia Sets – Sandin, EVL – UIC
    7. Panspermia – Sims, Thinking Machines Corp.
    8. The Process of Wound Healing – Bister, Atelier Bister – Animation Art GmbH
    9. Flight Over Mandelbrot Set – Jurgens, University of Bremen
    10. Neptune Encounter – Hall, Jet Propulsion Lab.
    11. Invertebrate Models – Clark, Florida Institute of Technology
    12. Graftals – Rawlings, EVL at UIC

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