Yoon Chung Han

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • San José State University, Graphic Design, Assistant Professor

Other / Past Affiliation(s):

  • California State University


  • San Jose, California, United States of America



  • SIGGRAPH 2019

    Yoon C Han is an interactive media artist and award-winning interaction designer. Over the past ten years, she has created a wide range of interactive 2D/3D audiovisual art installations including biologic art using physical computing, web-based data visualization, biometric data sonification, generative art, and musical interface design. Her principal interest in interactive art/design has been in exploring new multimodal experience using the human body data and audiovisual components. She has investigated the new ways of visualizing sound and sonifying visuals in many different forms such as interaction design, data visualization/sonification, interactive art installations, and sound visualizations. Her recent research focus was on multimodal interactions using body data, in particular on creating a personalized experience in media arts using biometric data visualization and sonification. Her works have been presented in many international exhibitions, conferences and academic journals such as ACM SIGGRAPH Art gallery, Japan Media Arts Festival, London Science Museum, Media City Seoul, ZKM, NIME, ISEA, ACM Multimedia, IEEE Vis, and Leonardo Journal.

    She earned her bachelor and the first Master degree at the Seoul National University, and her second master degree at Design | Media Arts, University of California, Los Angeles. She worked at Samsung Electronics in S. Korea as a graphic designer and was a visiting researcher/data visualization specialist at SENSEable City Lab, MIT in Cambridge, MA. She holds Ph.D. in Media Arts and Technology at the University of California, Santa Barbara. She is currently an assistant professor in the department of design in the San Jose State University.

    SIGGRAPH 2023

    Yoon Chung Han is an award-winning interaction designer, interactive media artist, and educator. Over the past 15 years, she have created a wide range of interactive designs, data visualization, sonification, mobile application, multimedia installation, and musical interface design. Her works have been presented in many international exhibitions, conferences, awards, and academic journals, such as ACM SIGGRAPH Art Gallery, Japan Media Arts Festival, Media City Seoul, ZKM, NIME, ISEA, ACM Multimedia, ACM CHI, TEI, IEEE VIS, Currents New Media, Adobe Design Achievement Award, Information is Beautiful award, and the Leonardo Journal. She earned her bachelor’s (BFA) and her first master’s degree (MFA) at the Seoul National University and her second master’s degree (MFA) at Design | Media Arts, University of California, Los Angeles. She holds a Ph.D. in media arts and technology at the University of California, Santa Barbara. She was a general chair for the IEEE VIS Arts Program (VISAP) and the IEEE Pacificvis storytelling contest. She is currently an associate professor in the department of design at San José State University.

Art Show Organizing Committee Chair:

Exhibition Category: Jury Member:



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