“A wavelet-based multiresolution polyhedral object representation” by Chow and Teichmann

  • ©Mike M. Chow and Marek Teichmann



Interest Area:

    Big Data and Technical


    A wavelet-based multiresolution polyhedral object representation

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    Wavelet compression of a volumetric representation of polyhedral surfaces, which are represented by the zero set of a distance function.


    1 M. Deering. Geometry Compression, Proc. SIGGRAPH 95, 13-20.
    2 M. Eck, T. DeRose, T. Duchamp, H. Hoppe, M. Loundbery, W. Stuetzle. Multiresolution Analysis of Arbitrary Meshes, Proc. SIGGRAPH 95, 173-182.
    3 M. Jones. The Production of Volume Data from Triangular Meshes Using Voxelisation, Computer Graphics forum, vol. 15, number 4, 311-318.
    4 T. He, I. Hong, A. Kaufman, A. Varshney, S. Wang. Voxel Based Object Simplification, Visualization 94, 85-92.
    5 S. Muraki. Volume Data and Wavelet Transforms, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, vol. 13, 4, 1993, 50-56.
    6 J. Rossignac, P. Borrel. Multi-Resolution 3D Approximations for Rendering Complex Scenes, Modeling in Computer Graphics, Springer-Verlag, 1993, 455-465.
    7 R. Shekhar, E. Fayyad, R. Yagel, J.F. Cornhill. Octree-based Decimation of Marching Cubes Surfaces, IEEE Visualization ’96.

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