“A wave-based anisotropic quadrangulation method” by Zhang, Huang, Liu and Bao

  • ©Muyang Zhang, Jin Huang, Xinguo Liu, and Hujun Bao




    A wave-based anisotropic quadrangulation method



    This paper proposes a new method for remeshing a surface into anisotropically sized quads. The basic idea is to construct a special standing wave on the surface to generate the global quadrilateral structure. This wave based quadrangulation method is capable of controlling the quad size in two directions and precisely aligning the quads with feature lines. Similar to the previous methods, we augment the input surface with a vector field to guide the quad orientation. The anisotropic size control is achieved by using two size fields on the surface. In order to reduce singularity points, the size fields are optimized by a new curl minimization method. The experimental results show that the proposed method can successfully handle various quadrangulation requirements and complex shapes, which is difficult for the existing state-of-the-art methods.


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