“Real-time generation of CG and sound of liquid with bubble” by Imura, Nakano, Yasumuro, Manabe and Chihara

  • ©Masataka Imura, Yoshinobu Nakano, Yoshihiro Yasumuro, Yoshitsugu Manabe, and Kunihiro Chihara

  • ©Masataka Imura, Yoshinobu Nakano, Yoshihiro Yasumuro, Yoshitsugu Manabe, and Kunihiro Chihara




    Real-time generation of CG and sound of liquid with bubble



    Recently, we can render real-time CG of liquid which shows various phenomena by global lighting and physical simulation according to the improvement of the computing power. However, the effect sound for real-time CG of liquid should be made corresponding to all the behavior of the liquid beforehand. Therefore, it is difficult for high reproducibility to be made for all sounds by hand. In liquid, the sound is generated according to the change of the radius of the moving bubble. Therefore, making the effect sound of liquid should consider the movement of bubbles.

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©Masataka Imura, Yoshinobu Nakano, Yoshihiro Yasumuro, Yoshitsugu Manabe, and Kunihiro Chihara ©Masataka Imura, Yoshinobu Nakano, Yoshihiro Yasumuro, Yoshitsugu Manabe, and Kunihiro Chihara

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