“Micron-scale light transport decomposition using interferometry”

  • ©Ioannis Gkioulekas, Anat Levin, Frédo Durand, and Todd Zickler




    Micron-scale light transport decomposition using interferometry

Session/Category Title:   Computational Illumination




    We present a computational imaging system, inspired by the optical coherence tomography (OCT) framework, that uses interferometry to produce decompositions of light transport in small scenes or volumes. The system decomposes transport according to various attributes of the paths that photons travel through the scene, including where on the source the paths originate, their pathlengths from source to camera through the scene, their wavelength, and their polarization. Since it uses interference, the system can achieve high pathlength resolutions, with the ability to distinguish paths whose lengths differ by as little as ten microns. We describe how to construct and optimize an optical assembly for this technique, and we build a prototype to measure and visualize three-dimensional shape, direct and indirect reflection components, and properties of scattering, refractive/dispersive, and birefringent materials.


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