“Microgeometry capture using an elastomeric sensor” by Johnson, Cole, Raj and Adelson

  • ©Micah K. Johnson, Forrester Cole, Alvin Raj, and Edward H. Adelson




    Microgeometry capture using an elastomeric sensor



    We describe a system for capturing microscopic surface geometry. The system extends the retrographic sensor [Johnson and Adelson 2009] to the microscopic domain, demonstrating spatial resolution as small as 2 microns. In contrast to existing microgeometry capture techniques, the system is not affected by the optical characteristics of the surface being measured—it captures the same geometry whether the object is matte, glossy, or transparent. In addition, the hardware design allows for a variety of form factors, including a hand-held device that can be used to capture high-resolution surface geometry in the field. We achieve these results with a combination of improved sensor materials, illumination design, and reconstruction algorithm, as compared to the original sensor of Johnson and Adelson [2009].


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