“Computational design of actuated deformable characters” by Skouras, Thomaszewski, Coros, Bickel and Gross

  • ©Melina Skouras, Bernhard Thomaszewski, Stelian Coros, Bernd Bickel, and Markus Gross




    Computational design of actuated deformable characters

Session/Category Title:   Design & Authoring




    We present a method for fabrication-oriented design of actuated deformable characters that allows a user to automatically create physical replicas of digitally designed characters using rapid manufacturing technologies. Given a deformable character and a set of target poses as input, our method computes a small set of actuators along with their locations on the surface and optimizes the internal material distribution such that the resulting character exhibits the desired deformation behavior. We approach this problem with a dedicated algorithm that combines finite-element analysis, sparse regularization, and constrained optimization. We validate our pipeline on a set of two- and three-dimensional example characters and present results in simulation and physically-fabricated prototypes.


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