“Vidgets: modular mechanical widgets for mobile devices” by Xiao, Bayer, Zheng and Nayar

  • ©Chang Xiao, Karl Bayer, Changxi Zheng, and Shree K. Nayar




    Vidgets: modular mechanical widgets for mobile devices

Session/Category Title:   VR and AR



    We present Vidgets, a family of mechanical widgets, specifically push buttons and rotary knobs that augment mobile devices with tangible user interfaces. When these widgets are attached to a mobile device and a user interacts with them, the widgets’ nonlinear mechanical response shifts the device slightly and quickly, and this subtle motion can be detected by the accelerometer commonly equipped on mobile devices. We propose a physics-based model to understand the nonlinear mechanical response of widgets. This understanding enables us to design tactile force profiles of these widgets so that the resulting accelerometer signals become easy to recognize. We then develop a lightweight signal processing algorithm that analyzes the accelerometer signals and recognizes how the user interacts with the widgets in real time. Vidgets widgets are low-cost, compact, reconfigurable, and power efficient. They can form a diverse set of physical interfaces that enrich users’ interactions with mobile devices in various practical scenarios. We demonstrate their use in three applications: photo capture with single-handed zoom, control of mobile games, and making a playable mobile music instrument.


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