Issue 49: Visualization in Scientific Computing

  • ©49, Visualization in Scientific Computing

SVR Issue No:  49

SVR Issue Title:  Visualization in Scientific Computing

Conference:  SIGGRAPH 1989

SVR Booklet PDF:  View PDF

SVR Issue Information

  • Issue 49 Visualization in Scientific Computing
    1. Mars: The Movie – Hall, JPL
    2. Earth: The Movie – Hall, JPL
    3. 1988 CFD Highlights – Watson, NASA Ames
    4. Visualizing Shuttle Flow Physics and Fluid Dynamics – Bancroft, NASA Ames
    5. Self-Portrait – Goldsmith, JPL
    6. The Etruscan Venus – Francis, UIUC
    7. Numerical Relativity: Black Hole Spacetimes – Hobill, NCSA
    8. The Lorenz Attractor – Hobill, NCSA
    9. Kodak’s Supercomputational Science ’88 – Ray, Kodak
    10. Hydrogen Diffusion on a Platinum Surface – Ray, Kodak
    11. Double Diffusive Convection: Saltfingering – Rosenblum, NRL
    12. Simulated Treatment of an Ocular Tumor – Lytle, CNSF

SVR Animations and Videos: