Issue 30: Visualization/State of the Art – Special Issue

  • ©30, Visualization/State of the Art - Special Issue

SVR Issue No:  30

SVR Issue Title:  Visualization/State of the Art - Special Issue

SVR Booklet PDF:  View PDF

SVR Issue Information

  • Issue 30 Visualization/State of the Art – Special Issue
    1. Interactivity
    2. Workstation Trends
    3. Expansion Boards
    4. Input/Output Peripherals
    5. Lighting: Theory and Practice
    6. Update: Graphic Art Systems
    7. Dynamics: The New Realism
    8. Visualization in Scientific Computing
    9. Medical Imaging & Volumetrics
    10. Parallel Processors: Accelerators & Image Computers
    11. Looking Ahead – Herr and Zaritsky, Pacific Interface

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