Tod Foley

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  • SIGGRAPH 1996

    A recognized authority on the art of game mastering and the design of interactive narrative systems, Tod specializes in the architecture and specification of complex dynamic fictional environments and stories. Equal parts designer, programmer and writer, he has created interactive systems and structures for all media: CD-ROM games such as Ocean Voyager (Times Mirror Magazines), Role-Playing Games such as CyberSpace (Iron Crown Enterprises), Interactive Theater Experiences such as Ghosts in the Machine (CyberArts  International) and Online Environments such as The ECI Palace (The Electronic Cafe International). A long-time advocate of MUDs and other virtual  world technologies, Tod is the author of The Palace user manuals and programming tutorial, and co-wrote the extensive guide to interactive environment programming in SAMS Publishing’s Tricks of the Internet Gurus. His articles and essays have appeared in the pages of bOING-bOING, FringeWare Review, PIX-Elation, and The IICS Reporter. Most recently, Tod has been working with (nu)VOX, Top Cow and the market iCD on the groundbreaking Neurostatica project: the first episodic narrative designed for The Palace software.  

Learning Category: Presentation(s):


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