Tatsunori Hirai
Most Recent Affiliation(s):
- Komazawa University, Waseda University, JST CREST
Learning Category: Presentation(s):
Type: [Posters]
Inside-out Tracking Controller for VR/AR HMD using Image Recognition with Smartphones Presenter(s): [Hattori] [Hirai]
Entry No.: [23]
Type: [Posters]
A music video authoring system synchronizing climax of video clips and music via rearrangement of musical bars Presenter(s): [Sato] [Hirai] [Nakano] [Goto] [Morishima]
Entry No.: [42]
Type: [Posters]
Efficient Video Viewing System for Racquet Sports with Automatic Summarization Focusing on Rally Scenes Presenter(s): [Kawamura] [Fukusato] [Hirai] [Morishima]
Entry No.: [40]
Type: [Posters]
Face Retrieval System by Similarity of Impression Based on Hair Attribute Presenter(s): [Fuji] [Fukusato] [Sasaki] [Masuda] [Hirai] [Morishima]
Entry No.: [45]
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