Sascha Pohflepp

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  • Sascha Pohflepp is an artist, designer, and writer currently based in London. He recently obtained his MA in the Design Interactions Program at the Royal College of Arts, London. He studied visual communication at the University of the Arts Berlin and at ENSAD, Paris. His work investigates notions of the future, social technologies, and business and idealism. He is a member of Mediamatic and has organized and participated in exhibitions, salons, and workshops that investigate the co-evolution of cultural developments and new technologies. His work has been recognized by IdN/Shift, I.D. magazine, PAGE magazine, and Art Review. He has exhibited and given talks internationally including at Eyebeam (New York), Nokia Design Center (Los Angeles), O’Reilly Foo Camp 2008 (Sebastopol), Dislocate 07 (Tokyo/Yokohama), Ars Electronica 2007 (Linz), Musée de l’Elysée (Lausanne), Transmediale 07 (Berlin), and SIGGRAPH 2006 (Boston). He also contributes to the blog we-make-money-not-art.

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