Robert Wuilfe

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Rutgers University at Camden


  • SIGGRAPH 2003

    An Art History/Museum Studies major at Rutgers University, Robert Wuilfe is a returning student with a strong interest in the convergence of traditional art historical scholarship with new media and technology. Robert comes to Rutgers and the Animating Art History project with extensive private sector experience, both as an entrepreneur and in management. Animating Art History has allowed Robert to combine his administrative and project management skills with his passionate interest in the arts.

    Robert is currently the Slide Curator for Rutgers University at Camden, where he will be coordinating the integration of a new, digital image resource system for classroom use. He also serves as the primary art historical researcher for an interactive, online history of printmaking being developed by The Philadelphia Print Collaborative. After graduation from Rutgers, Robert plans to pursue a PhD in Art History, while continuing to incorporate advanced technology and interdisciplinary collaboration into his work, studies and teaching.

Learning Category: Presentation(s):


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