Robert Aangeenbrug
Most Recent Affiliation(s):
- University of Kansas
Robert Aangeenbrug, President of DATA, lnc., is a Professor of Geography at the University of Kansas. Dr. Aangeenbrug has been a major contributor in the field of computer mapping and interactive graphics. He served as the first visiting scholar at the U.S. Bureau of the Census. Recently, he directed the Map Information Facility for the Chicago Aerial Sun/ey. A former Ford Fellow in Urban Studies, he holds a Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin and currently serves the National Academy of Science National Research Council as a member of the U.S. National Committee of the International Geographical Union. Dr. Aangeenbrug has published numerous articles on the use of computers in addressing problems of production, management, and analysis. He is President Elect of NCGA.
Course Organizer:
Learning Category: Presentation(s):
Type: [Courses]
Demographics Mapping Marketing and Computer Graphics Organizer(s): [Aangeenbrug]
Presenter(s): [Aangeenbrug]
Entry No.: [21]