Pat Pataranutaporn

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  • Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America


  • Pat Pataranutaporn is a technologist, designer, and a graduate student at the MIT Media Lab. Pat’s interests are at the intersection of biotechnology and wearable technology, specifically at the integration of bio and digital system to create personalized interfaces for the users. Pat’s research projects have been globally acknowledged and featured in TEDx, Time, Fast Company, Disruptive Innovation Festival, SXSW Eco, National Geographic, and UNEP. Pat believes that innovation must converge aesthetics, functionality, and community to create a sustainable future. Pat is also the co-founder of the Futuristic Research Cluster of Thailand, known as FREAK Lab, where he and his team work on futuristic projects from holographic food to social robotics, wearable biotechnology to citizen space exploration.



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