Pamela Samuelson

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • University of Pittsburgh


  • SIGGRAPH 1994

    Pamela Samuelson is a professor of law at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law. Before becoming a professor, she practiced law with a major New York law firm. She specializes in intellectual property law, with a particular emphasis on software protection and other digital media issues. She is the author of numerous articles and reports on software intellectual property issues in both legal and computing journals. She is a contributing editor for the Communications of the ACM, for which she writes a regular “Legally Speaking” column.  

    SIGGRAPH 1993

    Pamela Samuelson is a professor of law at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law. Before becoming a professor, she practiced law with a major New York law firm. She specializes in intellectual property law, with a particular emphasis on software protection and other digital media Issues. She is the author of numerous articles and reports on software intellectual property issues in both legal and computing journals. She is a contributing editor for the Communications of the ACM, for which she writes a regular “Legally Speaking” column.  

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