Lila Moore

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  • London, England, United Kingdom



  • Dr Lila Moore is the founder of The Cybernetic Futures Institute (CFI), a networked platform for the exploration of technoetic arts with an emphasis on the spiritual and occult in art, film, screen-dance and networked-digital-interactive forms of performance and narrative. She is an artist film-maker, screen choreographer, networked performance practitioner, technoetic ritualist and visionary theorist.

    The CFI is based on a body of theoretical writings and creative practice which constitutes her post-doctoral project at Planetary Collegium of Plymouth University (2014-2015). The CFI explores states of consciousness via the arts and in relation to spiritual, magickal-mystical, technologies and techniques in past and emergent art forms and movements.

    Dr Moore holds a practice-based Ph.D. degree in Dance on Screen from Middlesex University (2001) and an M.A. in Independent Film and Video from Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, London. She researched film and the spiritual as Associate Research Fellow at London Metropolitan University, and has been teaching B.A. and M.A. courses in Film and Contemporary Spiritualities, Film and Ritual, Ritual and Screen-Dance, as well as Spiritual Art , Digital Art and Contemporary Spiritualities.

    Dr Moore is a lecturer at the BA programme in Mysticism and Spirituality, Zefat Academic College. She is a published author, and her writings include articles published in peer-reviewed academic journals. She regularly presents papers in international academic conferences and her artworks are on show in juried and curated exhibitions and in archives of contemporary art and film.



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