John L. Moreland

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • San Diego Supercomputer Center, Staff Programmer

Other / Past Affiliation(s):

  • University of California, San Diego, Senior Programmer/Analyst


  • SIGGRAPH 1998

    John Moreland is a senior programmer/analyst at the San Diego Supercomputer Center and specializes in scientific visualization and multimedia. He is an author of papers on VRML, and is a co-author of two books on VRML (The VRML Sourcebook, and The VRML 2.0 Sourcebook, published by John Wiley & Sons). He has developed multiple large VRML environments for scientific visualization, including a CAVE-based environment presented at Supercomputing 95, and a multi-user environment presented at Supercomputing 96-97. John has taught VRML courses at SIGGRAPH 96-97, InternetWorld Asia 96-97, and Web 97 East and West, and is a frequent presenter of courses in computer graphics, visualization, and the PERL programming language. He was a co-chair for the VRML Behavior Workshop in October 1995, and for the VRML 95 conference in December 1995.

    SIGGRAPH 1997

    Mr. Moreland is a senior programmer/analyst at SDSC and specializes in scientific visualization and virtual reality. He is the author of papers on VRML, and a co-author of two books on VRML (The VRML Sourcebook, and The VRML 2.0 Sourcebook). He was the principal developer of a large VRML scientific visualization environment demonstrated in the CAVE at Supercomputing ’95. He has taught courses in VRML at conferences worldwide including Internet World Asia 96, SIGGRAPH 96, Web Developers 97, and Internet World Asia 97. Mr. Moreland co-chaired VRML 95, the first conference on VRML, and the VRML Behavior Workshop, the first workshop on behavior support for VRML.  

    SIGGRAPH 1996

    John Moreland is a staff programmer at SDSC and specializes in scientific visualization and multimedia. He is the author of papers on VRML, and a co-author of a book on VRML (The VRML Sourcebook), a VRML 1.0 browser (SDSC WebView), and several VRML tools. John was the principal developer of a large VRML scientific visualization environment demonstrated in the CAVE at Supercomputing ’95. John’s animations and soundtracks have been seen and heard in past SIGGRAPH animation screening rooms and the film & video show. John has taught courses in computer graphics, visualization, and the PERL programming language. John was a co-chair for the VRML Behavior Workshop in October 1995, and the VRML 95 conference in December 1995.  


Experience Category Collaboration(s):

Learning Category: Presentation(s):


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