Pink (Ian) E. McDowall

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Fakespace Labs

Other / Past Affiliation(s):

  • Intuitive Surgical


  • SIGGRAPH 2014

    Ian McDowall is a Principal Vision Engineer at Intuitive Surgical, as well as a principal at Fakespace Labs. At Intuitive Surgical Ian designs stereoscopic vision systems for the da Vinci Surgical System. Fakespace Labs created virtual reality tools including the Molly head-slaved camera platform, pinch gloves, immersive workbenches, as well as the Boom, Push, Fs2, Rave, and VLIB library. In 2006, he developed the Wide5, a headmounted stereoscopic display weighing less than 1 kg with a >150 degree field of view. Other projects include development of high-frame-rate projectors, light field illumination for microscopes, fast camera capture systems, and in collaboration with USC ICT “An Interactive 360 degree Light Field Display” demonstrated at SIGGRAPH 2007 Emerging Technologies.


Experience Category Collaboration(s):

Learning Category: Presentation(s):


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