Hiromi Kudo

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  • Tokyo, Japan


  • Hiromi Kudo (Ph.D.) is a Post doctoral researcher, JSPS Restart Postdoctoral fellowship at Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute (AORI), The University of Tokyo, Japan. She received M.S (2002) in Environmental Studies from the university of Tokyo. And then she worked for Research center for advanced science and technology, the University of Tokyo (RCAST) as Project research assistant (2006). It ended up getting to Ph.D (2012) in Behavioural Ecology from Tokyo Gakugei University, Japan. Her doctoral theme of Flexible female preference received Behav Ecol Sociobiol (2013) and treated as cover story in this issue. She continues to research on plasticity and flexible behavior of sea turtles. At the same time, she also takes part in team of “Radioactive Live Soundscape” and received Arte Laguna Prize (2017), German Design Award (2018), and Good Design Award (2018).



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