Herbert W. Franke

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • D.F.V.L.R.


  • Vienna, Austria


  • Herbert W. Franke [1927-2022], Austria, was a physicist, science fiction writer, artist, curator, author of theoretical books and essays, and speleologist (cave researcher). Of interest in the current context are his contributions to digital art. He started this work in the mid-1950’s when he used an oscilloscope and camera to generate patterns of groups of continuous lines (“analog” graphics). He first exhibited these in 1956, only a few years after Ben F. Laposky had experimented in a similar way. Soon after first algorithmicly generated graphics had been exhibited in galleries in Stuttgart and New York (in 1965), Franke became interested in digital technology. He published the first comprehensive history of computer art in 1971: Computergrafik – Computerkunst[source: dada.compart-bremen.de/item/agent/188]

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