Cynthia Decker

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  • Asheville, North Carolina, United States of America



  • I am a lighthearted digital artist currently living and working in Asheville, North Carolina.

    My artwork is best described, I think, as imaginary realism. I like to create impossible or improbable environments that have familliar textures and evocative moods. Most of my work has humor, or a bit of a story to tell.

    I am inspired by the everyday, by small moments and big ideas. I love working in the digital medium because it lets me take these ideas and present them to you the same way I see them in my head; as places you could walk into and explore.

    I believe the digital medium is finding its place in the art world, and that artists should use, value and enjoy all available means of creative expression. I hope that artists and art lovers everywhere continue to push the boundaries of what constitutes a fine art medium.



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