Chris Jackson

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Rochester Institute of Technology


  • SIGGRAPH 2006

    Chris Jackson is a computer graphics designer and Assistant Professor in the School of Design, College of Imaging Arts and Sciences at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). Before joining the RIT faculty, Chris was a new media designer with Eastman KODAK Company, creating and delivering online instructional training via the Web and CD-ROM. He continues to be a Flash designer, developer, and consultant for worldwide corporations. Chris has a Master in Fine Arts degree in Computer Graphics Design. He has an extensive background in graphic design, printing and interactive multimedia. Chris’ professional work has received over 25 distinguished national and international awards for online communication. His areas of research include user’s experience design, digital storytelling and interactive design for children. Chris continues to publish and present his research and professional work at ACM SIGGRAPH and the Society for Technical Communication (STC). Chris is co-author and co-designer of Flash 3D: Animation, Interactivity and Games (Focal Press).

Learning Category: Presentation(s):


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