“Flash: Animation in the Third Dimension” by Jackson and Ver Hague

  • ©Chris Jackson and James (Jim) Ver Hague

  • ©Chris Jackson and James (Jim) Ver Hague

  • ©Chris Jackson and James (Jim) Ver Hague

  • ©Chris Jackson and James (Jim) Ver Hague

  • ©Chris Jackson and James (Jim) Ver Hague




    Flash: Animation in the Third Dimension



    This paper explores the possibilities of utilizing 3D space to enhance content delivery and the user’s experience. We report on a special topics course, “Flash 3D,” taught at the Rochester Institute of Technology this year. This graduate level course was comprised of 15 students from the Computer Graphics Design MFA program within the School of Design. The course’s objective was to create interactive 3-D environments within Macromedia Flash. Flash was originally designed for two-dimensional animation. Throughout its evolution, it has grown to produce many rich-media applications. Currently new media designers have yet to break out of a two-dimensional world into a more robust three-dimensional environment.


    The authors wish to thank the students of the Flash 3D special topics course for their enthusiasm, creative efforts and feedback.


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