Brad Thompson

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Spitz and Inc.


  • SIGGRAPH 2015

    BRAD THOMPSON of Spitz Creative Media helped pioneer immersive theater production workflow in the mid/late 1990s at Spitz, and continues to update, innovate, and optimize the creative and technical pipelines for fulldome production and distribution. He is an artist, animator, director and supervisor and works with a team of animators, artists, and programmers to develop content for dome screens, immersion theaters, planetariums, and other immersive spaces. His fulldome credits include award-winners and some of the most popular and widely distributed in the world: “Oasis in Space,” “Dynamic Earth,” the “Zula Patrol” series, “Black Holes: the Other Side of Infinity,” and “Supervolcanoes.”

Learning Category: Presentation(s):


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