Bill Spitzak
Most Recent Affiliation(s):
- Digital Domain
Learning Category: Presentation(s):
Type: [Talks (Sketches)]
Creating vast game worlds: experiences from Avalanche Studios Presenter(s): [Cournia] [Smith] [Spitzak] [Vanover] [Rijpkema] [Tomlinson] [Litke]
Type: [Talks (Sketches)]
Crom: massively parallel, CPU/GPU hybrid computation platform for visual effects Presenter(s): [Cournia] [Smith] [Spitzak] [Vanover] [Rijpkema] [Tomlinson] [Litke]
Type: [Talks (Sketches)]
High-speed conversion of floating point images to 8-bit Presenter(s): [Spitzak]
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