William Ribarsky
Also Known As:
- Bill
Most Recent Affiliation(s):
- Georgia Institute of Technology, Graphics and Visualization & Usability Center
Other / Past Affiliation(s):
- University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Learning Category: Presentation(s):
Type: [Talks (Sketches)]
Hierarchical simplification of city models to maintain urban legibility Presenter(s): [Chang] [Butkiewicz] [Ziemkiewicz] [Wartell] [Pollard] [Ribarsky]
Type: [Technical Papers]
Instant architecture Presenter(s): [Wonka] [Wimmer] [Sillion] [Ribarsky]
Type: [Technical Papers]
Balancing fusion, image depth and distortion in stereoscopic head-tracked displays Presenter(s): [Wartell] [Hodges] [Ribarsky]
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