Andrew Garrard

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Samsung R&D Institute UK, Senior Software Engineer


  • SIGGRAPH 2014

    Andrew Garrard is a Senior Software Engineer at Samsung R&D Institute in the United Kingdom (SRUK). He works in the Graphics Innovation Lab, with a focus on embedded graphics, compute and machine vision. His professional history includes four years working in hardware ray tracing, three years working on workstation graphics drivers  and five years writing assembly code for embedded graphics hardware. He has been programming in computer graphics since getting a Sinclair Spectrum for Christmas in 1982,  although he did not make it to SIGGRAPH until 1999.

    He is one of the chapter leaders of the Khronos UK Chapter, involving presentations and introductions to Khronos standards — most notably OpenVX, for which he is the SRUK representative and an active participant in that fledgling computer vision standards group. 

    He presented a talk entitled “Moving to mobile graphics and GPGPU: forget every- thing you know” at SIGGRAPH 2013.  

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