“Weta Digital Presents Virtual Production: Combining Animation, Visual Effects, and Live-Action Filmmaking” by Letteri

  • ©Joe Letteri




    Weta Digital Presents Virtual Production: Combining Animation, Visual Effects, and Live-Action Filmmaking


Project Affiliation:

    Weta Digital


    Four-time Oscar-winning Senior Visual Effects Supervisor, Joe Letteri, presents Weta Digital’s pioneering virtual-production work on “The Adventures of Tintin” and “Avatar”. His talk also addresses workflow development at Weta going all the way back to “The Lord of the Rings” and suggests some areas of future development. Weta sees virtual production as a connected, holistic approach to filmmaking that melds the best of animation and live-action techniques in pre-production, onset, and post. This presentation demonstrates how virtual production brings all of the components of filmmaking together to provide a way of working that has attracted directors like Peter Jackson, James Cameron, and Steven Spielberg.

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