“Wearable Forest Clothing System: Beyond Human-Computer Interaction” by Kobayashi, Ueoka and Hirose

  • ©Hill Hiroki Kobayashi, Ryoko Ueoka, and Michitaka Hirose




    Wearable Forest Clothing System: Beyond Human-Computer Interaction



    Wearable Forest is a garment that bioacoustically interacts with distant wildlife in a remote forest through a networked remote-controlled speaker and microphone. It expresses the unique bioacoustic beauty of nature and allows users to interact with a forest in real time through a network to acoustically experience a distant forest soundscape, thus merging humans and nature without great environmental impact. This novel interactive sound system can create a sense of unity between users and a remote soundscape, enabling users to feel a sense of belonging to nature even in the midst of a city. This paper describes the theory of interaction between the Human and the Biosphere through the design process of the Wearable Forest concept.


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